Your marketing content
at your customers fingertips

From company whitepapers to brand videos to sales sheets,
with Nexus you can put all of your marketing files in a single,
easy-to-manage place that’s easy for your customers to access
from their personalized portals.

EBC Content Management
Optimize Your EBC Content

Optimize your content

Get analytics of what content and topics your customers engaged with the most so you can optimize for future briefings.

Sharing across all channels

With Nexus, it’s easy to upload content per industry vertical and tag it to be shared and viewable across the entire Nexus ecosystem of products.

ebc consistent global branding

Ready to take the ‘manage’ out of content management?

A CMS as easy as ABC.

With an intuitive, user-friendly interface, Nexus makes managing your content easy and efficient.

CMS user interface

“Nexus has allowed us to automate many what use to be manual briefing management tasks, allowing our Operations team to be more efficient while maintaining a high level of customization.”

Tom Sullivan

Director, Corporate Experience , PTC