Enhanced engagement scheduling

Nexus gives you the next level of scheduling, management and reporting tools that you can easily manage in one place.

briefing scheduling system

See the New UI

See how the updated UI to the Nexus Engagement Hub provides easy-to-use options for managing all briefing types.

briefing agenda planning

Advanced scheduling tools

With Nexus you can easily plan agenda topics for your entire engagement, assign available expert discussion leaders, and keep track of all your planning notes. You can also manage facilitation details like video conference info or catering specifics.

Simple schedule and report sharing

Easily share your engagement plans and notes with your sales team and all your discussion leaders. You can also invite your customers to the event right from Nexus with dynamic links and updates.

briefing discussion leaders

Ready to take your customer engagements to the next level?

scheduling system calendar view

Custom calendar alerts and reminders

Know when a certain element of your upcoming engagement needs attention, by seeing alerts right in your calendar or by getting custom notifications to remind you of things you want to be sure you get done by a certain time.

Seamless CRM integration

Briefing requests can be automatically pre-populated from your CRM data. Then once a request is submitted, you’re notified in the Nexus hub and can easily convert it to a briefing plan. Following the engagement, Nexus syncs wrap-up reports back to your CRM so you can keep a historical snapshot of who attended, what was discussed, customer notes, user analytics, and feedback.

EBC CRM integration
briefing calendar invites

Simplified customer communications

Create custom, branded email and calendar invite templates that can be assigned by location or engagement type. Nexus also lets you easily share the communications with your team for review before you send them to your customers.

Customer engagement visibility

The engagement overview page lets you see when your attendees start to engage with the calendar invite, browse the customer portal. You can easily see what they engage with to help you know what they’re interested in and you can see feedback in real time and quickly respond if needed.

customer session analytics

“Our plan for our new center is to go all out, so our clients have a customized experience throughout their entire experience journey. And Nexus is the only one that can deliver that the way we want it.”

Anthony Pham

Director, Executive Briefing Program, Fortinet